Did you know that if we move and engage in activities, we change the neurochemistry of our brain in just the same that a drug would? Our brains have evolved to reward us for getting a grip on the world. And as it turns out, some researchers think that may be key to making our brains very happy.
Kelly Lambert, a neuroscientist at the University of Richmond says that in the 19th century doctors prescribed knitting to women who were overwrought with anxiety, "because they sensed that it calmed them down some. When you think about, repetitive movement is increasing certain neurochemicals. And then if you produce something – a hat or a scarf – there's the reward."
When I retrained as an upholsterer, I was surprised to see that I was one of a few with a background in visual Arts. Most other students came out of banking or the health sector searching for something more hands on and more satisfying way of earning a living.
Certainly, for me working in the workshop has a calming, therapeutic effect and after years of hectic schedules in the film industry is exactly what the "doctor ordered”.
Image by Dida Sundet Photography